Stone Club w/ MF Tomlinson

mon14aug7:00 pmmon11:00 pmStone Club w/ MF Tomlinson

Event Details

Join us for a journey into the Arch Druid’s ancient Britain via legendary PR and co-conspirator Mike Houghton. We will then travel down the road with MF Tomlinson and explore England through his beautiful and hazy music.  Written in the time when the days were the shortest, it speaks in the language and logic of dreams. In the dramatic sonic landscapes in which these songs unfold; a remarkable journey deep into the self is taking place.
Tomlinson says of his album: “At both ends of the album there is an abyss: one is darkness, the other is the unknown. By the time you make it from one end to the other, you find the abyss has been filled up with stars.”
We’ll also have a filmic odyssey into the strata of the Calder Valley by Mark S. Williamson, a mysterious filmic exploration of land, art and the passing of time entitled Shifting Landscapes, and a short talk from Stone Club regular Bec Lambert.
Come with us into the abyss; we’ll hold your hand as we walk.



August 14, 2023 7:00 pm - 11:00 pm(GMT+00:00)

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