It’s Christmas Eve. Hopefully you’ve got a mince pie, a carrot and two fingers of decent brandy ready to arrange near a non-existent chimney.
This year, we’re adding a printed out picture of the Guv’nor to our festive arrangement in an effort to usher in a bit of much needed love and light for the coming months. It feels like we’re going to need it more than ever, sisters and brothers. So, would you please join us in donning your ceremonial robes and headgear. Tonight’s incense of choice is natural lavender.
Other than that, there’s nothing left to say other than stay safe and stay sane out there, Social Gatherers. Thanks for all your support this year, for reading the site, buying the book, for your kind words and for joining us for drinks over on Twitter at 6pm. You’re our community and we couldn’t – and wouldn’t – have done it without you.
See you on the other side.
(Thanks to the staunchest man alive Pete Fowler for this illustration of Andrew and for everything he has done for The Social Gathering this year. And yes, of course he’ll be posting a playlist on Twitter at 6pm tomorrow. It’s a Friday isn’t it? I mean, what else are you going to be doing?)